Order Lists Tags

To Create a Numbered List you use Order List <OL></OL> tags and within <OL></OL> tags the list begins with <LI>tag is a one sided tag.
Example of Number list below.

  1. list number 1
  2. list number 2
  3. list number 3

Number list code
<LI> enter text here
<LI> enter text here
<LI> enter test here

Unordered Lists Tags

Unordered lists look just like ordered lists, except that the list use<UL></UL>tags.
Elements of the list is <LI>just as with ordered list

  • unordered list
  • unordered list
  • unordered list

Bullets example
<li> unordered list
<li> unordered list
<li> unordered list

Menu Lists Tags

Menu list tags <menu></menu>tags

Contents: One or more <LI>tags

<menu type="toolbar">
<menu label="File">
<button type="button" onclick="new()">New...</button>
<button type="button" onclick="save()">Save...</button>
<menu label="Edit">
<button type="button" onclick="cut()">Cut...</button>
<button type="button" onclick="copy()">Copy...</button>
<button type="button" onclick="paste()">Paste...</button>

  • Definition Lists Tags

    Definiton list tags: <dl></dl> tags

    Contents: <DT> for the term and <DD> for definition.


    Any of various Old World passerine birds of the family Sturnidae, characteristically having a short tail, pointed wings, and dark, often iridescent plumage, especially Sturnus vulgaris, widely naturalized in North America.
    Any of various large, web-footed birds of the genus Pelecanus of tropical and warm regions, having a long straight bill from which hangs a distensible pouch of skin for catching and holding fish.
    Inflammation of the ileum.

    Definition example code below.

    <dd>Any of various Old World passerine birds of the family Sturnidae, characteristically having a short tail, pointed wings, and dark, often iridescent plumage, especially Sturnus vulgaris, widely naturalized in North America.</dd>


    <dd>Any of various large, web-footed birds of the genus Pelecanus of tropical and warm regions, having a long straight bill from which hangs a distensible pouch of skin for catching and holding fish.</dd>


    <dd>Inflammation of the ileum.</dd>