Two kind of Character Styles. Logical Styles tags and Physical Styles tags.

Logical Styles

<em></em> emphasized in some way

In HTML 5, what was previously called block-level content is now called flow content.

<strong></strong> emphasized boldface

When doing x it is imperative to do y before proceeding.

<code></code> a fixed-width font as Courier

Regular text. This is code. Regular text.

<samp></samp> similar to <code>

Regular text.This is sample text.Regular text.

<kbd></kbd> text intended to be typed by a user

Type the following in the Run dialog: cmd
Then click the OK button.

<var></var> the name of a variable

A simple equation: x = y + 2

<dfn></dfn> highlights a word or phrase

The Internet is a global system of interconnected networks that use the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide.

The World-Wide Web (WWW) is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed on the Internet.

<cite></cite> a citation

More information can be found in [ISO-0000]

Physical Styles

<b></b> for bold

<i></i> for italic

<u></u> for underlining

Code example below


